

Connect Operate allows you to order your cases from your chosen production center.

  • All construction parts of a given project are orderable from the project page
  • Additionally, add-on products can be ordered
  • the current status of the order is continually updated

Orders are always business-to-business – only members of a company can order!


Projects can only be ordered, if they are designed (constructed) and having one of the following files:

  • .modelinfo
  • .constructioninfo

The products described in the construction info must be available.

See Chat Notes on how to stay in touch with your Production Center.


The history of taken orders can be viewed by

  • picking Orders in the right sidebar (for all orders taken by the logged-in member)
  • picking Company > Orders (for all orders taken in the name of the company)

Placing a new order

To place a new order, navigate to the project you want to order.


In your project, select the order button in the sidebar on the right.


Select your production center from your contacts.

You can also pick which files are shared with the production center.


After selecting a production center and which files you wish to share, you can then

After accepting the Terms and Conditions, you can Order with obligation to pay. 

Add-On products

Production Centers may offer “add-on products”. These are not produced specifically per case and have fixed prices.

These can be added to an order either in the shopping cart or via the Orders history page.

In the Shopping Cart, click on Add products.

Alternatively, in the Orders Overviewpick Create Add-On Order.

From here, select your desired products.

The prices are pre-determined by the Production Center.

These products do not pass a quality-check – their Status goes straight from Approved to Ready to dispatch!

Cancel an order

On the details page of a given order, click Cancel order. 


If the status of the order is already set to Approved, only the Production Center can cancel the order.

Order Status

The order status indicates how far in the production and shipping process the order currently is.

It can be viewed

on the order history

on the order details

List of Stati


To Confirm

Production Center has received the order but has not downloaded the files yet.


Milling Center has downloaded the files and is reviewing them.


Order was accepted by Milling Center. An Order Form is produced.

In Progress

Milling Center is working on the order.


All parts have been manufactured by the Milling Center.

Quality Check

The order has passed the Quality Check by the Milling Center.

Ready Dispatch

Order is ready to be shipped.
Declaration of Conformity can be printed.

In Transit

Order has been dispatched.


Add-On products do not pass a quality-check – their Status goes straight from Approved to Ready Dispatch!